Christmas in Hawaii πŸŽ„πŸŒΊ

Aloha! 🌴 In Hawaii, we celebrate Christmas with a unique mixture of traditional American customs and local Hawaiian traditions. πŸ–οΈπŸžοΈ

Christmas in Hawaii

Mele Kalikimaka! πŸŽ…

In Hawaiian, "Merry Christmas" is "Mele Kalikimaka". Here in Hawaii, Santa Claus arrives on a outrigger canoe instead of a sleigh! πŸ›ΆπŸŽ…

Christmas trees? Yes, we definitely have them - but not just the traditional fir trees. In fact, our favorite is the Hawaiian Christmas tree, also known as Norfolk Island Pine.πŸŽ„

Hawaiian Christmas feast 🍍

A Christmas feast in Hawaii is a blend of many cultures. In addition to the traditional turkey, we enjoy specialties like Kalua Pig, Poke, Lau Lau and Haupia. And don't forget the tropical fruits and Mai Tais! πŸΉπŸ–

Parade of Lights πŸ›₯️

Lastly, one of our biggest events is the annual Honolulu City Lights Boat Parade, where boats decorated with festive lights sail past the shoreline to the delight of residents and tourists alike. It's a sight not to be missed! πŸŽ‡πŸοΈ